I'm a mentally ill person raising another mentally ill person. With chickens.

Archive for March, 2016


Back in the saddle again

Starting April 1st, since I haven’t been able to get myself back on the blogging track for a while, I am going to take the A to Z challenge.  Every weekday in April I am going to write about a new topic starting with a new letter of the alphabet. Saturdays and Sundays are free (or in my case probably time to hand in late “assignments”). That comes out to 26 days.  I hope that in spite of obstacles like blogging from my phone, and some serious inertia I can complete all of the days. I think it would be good for me to feel like I had some purpose again, and I definitely need something to keep me busy. There are  no length requirements, so some days may just be a quick sentence or two, but I figure that is still getting “back on the horse”.   Some people give themselves a theme for all 26 letters of the alphabet, but since I’m an A to Z challenge virgin I am not going to try to do that.  I will most likely ramble on about myself and my family and my chickens (dogs, bunnies, garden, etc.) as usual.  Sometimes I am as surprised at what ends up on the page as you are, dear reader.

Did “what on earth do you write for ‘X’?”cross your mind?  That is one of the easiest letters:  The X-Files. I heart me some David Duchovny circa 1998 thank you ver 

My response to a fellow geek

The “Fake Geek” is Not The Problem When It Comes to “Fake Geek Girls” by Chris Brecheen

You know, I really appreciated this. I love MANY geek things (I’ve read all of the Dresden Files, twice. They improve as they go along. Butcher’s writing skills get much better, I promise.) I love Star Trek, but mostly TNG, and Dr. Who (but I also haven’t seen all of the originals, shhh) and Supernatural  (even though it’s silly) and Tolkien, and Stargate, and OMG, the X-Files! But I don’t know every detail of every episode. I have read and watched Harry Potter numerous times, but do I have all the differences between the books and the movies memorized? No. Do I have the minutiae of ANY series memorized? No. Does that make me love them less? I don’t think so. It means I have a life, IRL (that’s gamer, and now online dating, speak for “In Real Life”). I have kids, and dogs, and chickens, all of whom I am pretty fond of too. And I’m not going to waste time that I could spend doing REAL LIFE things memorizing random facts to prove I’m enough of a geek to anyone else.  It’s a dream of mine to attend the San Diego ComiCon some day, and I don’t feel less than anyone because I don’t know enough random trivia, or where every easter egg in every anything is hidden. The actors, writers and directors of most productions (George Lucas might be an exception) don’t memorize the tiny bits of minutiae that some “hard core geeks” do, because those aren’t the bits that make a story. And I love my geeky things because they have stories: stories of journeys through space and time, of wizards and witches, of monsters and monster hunters, of aliens, and of boldly going where no man has gone before. I don’t know when being a geeky fan turned into having to know “stats” like sports fans do. If I wanted to know stats I would watch sports. (Which wouldn’t be good, because most of them don’t make much sense to me: something with a ball, run, yay! That’s all I got.)

I’m not a gamer either, in fact I don’t even get the appeal of them, but I know they HAVE an appeal, because I’m married to a serious MMORPG player. But I don’t think not being a gamer should ruin my geek cred either. So what if I don’t want to hang out online with people I don’t know going after pretend monsters and earning pretend gold? I don’t like to hang out with very many people IRL that I actually know, either. But when I do hang out with people I want to talk about real stuff, like do we like Peter Capaldi as the Doctor or not? And has anyone working on Supernatural ever taken a geography class?
Anyway, thank you for standing up for us female geeks.  There are more of us than you think.